【bangalore to hampi bus】Exhibition showcasing Hainan's cultural relics held at Hainan Museum
This bangalore to hampi busphoto taken on Aug. 31, 2024 shows traditional furniture made of Hainan dalbergia odorifera in Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) at Hainan Museum in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province. An ongoing exhibition showcasing Hainan's cultural relics collected by the Palace Museum is held at Hainan Museum. A total of 96 exhibits with Hainan characteristics are on display including traditional furniture, ornaments and stationery, etc. (Xinhua/Pu Xiaoxu) This photo taken on Aug. 31, 2024 shows exhibits on a special exhibition at Hainan Museum in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province. An ongoing exhibition showcasing Hainan's cultural relics collected by the Palace Museum is held at Hainan Museum. A total of 96 exhibits with Hainan characteristics are on display including traditional furniture, ornaments and stationery, etc. (Xinhua/Pu Xiaoxu) Visitors look at an exhibit on a special exhibition at Hainan Museum in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province, Aug. 31, 2024. An ongoing exhibition showcasing Hainan's cultural relics collected by the Palace Museum is held at Hainan Museum. A total of 96 exhibits with Hainan characteristics are on display including traditional furniture, ornaments and stationery, etc. (Xinhua/Pu Xiaoxu) This photo taken on Aug. 31, 2024 shows an exhibit of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) at Hainan Museum in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province. An ongoing exhibition showcasing Hainan's cultural relics collected by the Palace Museum is held at Hainan Museum. A total of 96 exhibits with Hainan characteristics are on display including traditional furniture, ornaments and stationery, etc. (Xinhua/Pu Xiaoxu) This photo taken on Aug. 31, 2024 shows an inkstone of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) at Hainan Museum in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province. An ongoing exhibition showcasing Hainan's cultural relics collected by the Palace Museum is held at Hainan Museum. A total of 96 exhibits with Hainan characteristics are on display including traditional furniture, ornaments and stationery, etc. (Xinhua/Pu Xiaoxu) This photo taken on Aug. 31, 2024 shows a bowl made of coconut shell of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) at Hainan Museum in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province. An ongoing exhibition showcasing Hainan's cultural relics collected by the Palace Museum is held at Hainan Museum. A total of 96 exhibits with Hainan characteristics are on display including traditional furniture, ornaments and stationery, etc. (Xinhua/Pu Xiaoxu) A visitor takes photos of the exhibits at Hainan Museum in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province, Aug. 31, 2024. An ongoing exhibition showcasing Hainan's cultural relics collected by the Palace Museum is held at Hainan Museum. A total of 96 exhibits with Hainan characteristics are on display including traditional furniture, ornaments and stationery, etc. (Xinhua/Pu Xiaoxu) This photo taken on Aug. 31, 2024 shows a golden bracelet of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) at Hainan Museum in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province. An ongoing exhibition showcasing Hainan's cultural relics collected by the Palace Museum is held at Hainan Museum. A total of 96 exhibits with Hainan characteristics are on display including traditional furniture, ornaments and stationery, etc. (Xinhua/Pu Xiaoxu) This photo taken on Aug. 31, 2024 shows an inkstone of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) at Hainan Museum in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province. An ongoing exhibition showcasing Hainan's cultural relics collected by the Palace Museum is held at Hainan Museum. A total of 96 exhibits with Hainan characteristics are on display including traditional furniture, ornaments and stationery, etc. (Xinhua/Pu Xiaoxu)
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