【concealed flush tank】Tanzanian lecturer: China
http://recordcdn.quklive.com/upload/vod/user1587016609771948/1724295685646261/origin.mp4 During the 6th Forum on China-Africa Media Cooperation & China-Africa Think Tank High-Level Dialogue,concealed flush tank Emmanuel Richard Legonga, assistant lecturer at the Confucius Institute of the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, shared his appreciation for Chinese television dramas and his hopes for strengthening China-Africa collaboration in the audiovisual industry in an interview with Guangming Online. Audiovisual works, with their vivid and intuitive visual language, are becoming a bridge for cultural exchange between China and Africa. Legonga cited the China-Africa co-produced TV drama Welcome to Maile Village, which aired in Tanzania last month, as an example of how the diverse cultures of China and Africa are portrayed in the storyline. He expressed his hope to see enhanced cooperation between China and Africa in the field of audiovisual technology, with a focus on sharing experiences in program production and technical applications. Such collaboration, he believes, would not only improve the quality of film and television production on both sides but also deepen cultural exchange and mutual understanding between China and Africa.
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