【cox town bangalore】Flaws found in FBI's reporting of sex crimes against children: Justice Department
NEW YORK,cox town bangalore Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is failing to report all suspected child sexual abuse cases to appropriate law enforcement agencies, according to a Justice Department watchdog report released on Thursday. The review found no evidence that the FBI complied with mandatory reporting requirements in about 50 percent of the cases examined by the inspector general. In a review of 327 cases involving allegations of sex crimes against children, the inspector general found no evidence that suspected child abuse was reported to appropriate local law enforcement agencies in 47 percent of the cases. When reports were made, they were made within the 24-hour period, as is required by Justice Department policy, in only 43 percent of the cases. A senior FBI official acknowledged that the bureau has made mistakes in investigating crimes against children but said the "vast majority of work" has been handled appropriately, reported The Associated Press about the finding. "Ensuring the safety and security of children is not just a priority for the FBI; it is a solemn duty that we are committed to fulfilling with the highest standards. The FBI's efforts combating crimes against children are among the most critical and demanding undertakings we do," the FBI said in a statement. ■
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